Key Terms

Epoch: A fixed time duration , all other contracts operate on for example 28-day cycles, referred to as epochs.

Improvement Proposal: On chain proposal to suggest improvements in the way of working of a protocol.

Quorum: In order for a vote to pass, it must achieve a minimum quorum of DAO tokens in the affirmative. The purpose of the quorum is to ensure that the only measures that pass have adequate voter participation.

Execution Grace Period: The period after vote when an Improvement proposal proposal becomes executable, during which it must be executed.

Governance strategy contract: A Governance strategy contract contains logic to measure users' relative power to propose and vote.

Governor contract: A Governer contract tracks proposals and can execute proposals via the Timelock smart contract.

Long timelock executor: The long timelock executor can execute proposals that generally change parts of the Protocol that affect governance consensus.

Merkle-pauser executor: The Merkle-pauser executor can execute proposals that freeze the Merkle root, which is updated periodically with each user's cumulative reward balance, allowing new rewards to be distributed to users over time, in case the proposed root is incorrect or malicious.

Proposal Theshold: To prevent a system where countless spam proposals are created, a proposal threshold requires an address has a certain number of votes before they can make a proposal.

Proposing Power: Token stake giving access to creating and sustaining a proposal.

RFC: Request for Comments are off-chain proposals and the first required step in the governance improvement process.

Safety Pool: An important component of a DAO thats in charge of shielding the protocol from insolvency.

Staked contract: A staked contains logics to stake DAO tokens, tokenise the position and get rewards.

Short timelock executor: The short timelock executor can execute proposals that generally change Rewards and Incentive contracts or the Community Treasury that require quick intervention.

Timelock contract: A timelock contract can queue, cancel, or execute transactions voted by Governance. The functions in a proposal are initiated by the Timelock contract. Queued transactions can be executed after a delay and until Grace period is not over.

Timelock Delay: The delay before an Improvement proposal is executed after a proposal passes and is queued.

Token contract: A token contract keeps snapshots of each address’ voting power at different blocks in time.

Vote Differential: The difference required for a "yes–no" gap for Improvement proposal proposal to pass.

Voting Power: Voting power which is used to vote for or against existing proposals.

Voting Delay: This is the length of time between which a proposal can be created and it is available to be voted upon. By requiring at least one block to pass, the governance is protected from Flash Loan attacks that might borrow a large number of tokens, propose a vote, and vote on it all in one block.

Voting Period: Once an Improvement proposal has been put forward, the community members can cast their votes before the end of the Voting Period. This is the length of time for which proposals are available to be voted upon, with time in Ethereum Blocks.

Vote Differential: Required yes–no gap for an Improvement proposal to pass.

Last updated